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ウクライナ引越し ウクライナ引越し
May 5, 2023
One year has passed since the Ukraine-Russia war. Millions of people have fled their homes in Ukraine since Russia launched its invasion, with many families forced to relocate to neighboring countries. And they often make extraordinary efforts to bring their beloved pets with them. Our client, Olena, and her three furbabies are one of the bravest family who escaped from Ukraine to Germany and moved from Germany to Japan.
Olena and her pets escaped from Ukraine and stayed in Germany for the meantime. Olena was able to fly to Japan first, but her pets were left behind in Germany because of incomplete documents and the import required treatments to Japan. Japan is known as one of the most difficult countries to import animals due to its rules and required treatments by the government. Even one mistake could bring the pets into danger. As a result, Olena was concerned and found it difficult to prepare documents. She was even worried that one of her pets is quite old.
That was the time when we received an email from Olena, who needed help with a document and required treatment assistance and a transfer to Sapporo. We helped and assisted them through the process of taking over the notification to the Japan Government MAFF, visiting her pets in the cargo animal room to give them food and water, assisting with the Japan import animal health inspection, cargo work upon arrival at Narita Airport, and delivering them directly to Sapporo.
It was an honor to be able to see how happy they are to be reunited after such a long time apart. I was relieved too that the pets arrived in Japan safely after a long flight.
I interviewed her regarding her and her pet’s experiences during the war in Ukraine. The story behind Olena and her three pets' escape from Ukraine was much worse than we could imagine.
“In the very beginning of the war, the city where we lived was attacked. and it was bombed and shield for now 10 months. It was the day that we were very scared because the rupture was very loud. People started living in Kharkiev trying to get away from war, and most of the people would live everything in behind. But take the pets with them. So that's what we did.
On the first day, we took our pets and went to the basement. We stayed there together with 20 other people who were just trying to be safe. People start thinking where to go, and we have a friend in Germany. My friend, who is also with the cat, and our family, with four other pets, managed to go to Germany. Stayed there at Germany while waited for my Japanese visa. And we moved here (Japan), but we have to move pets behind because of the quarantine. We stayed there for half a year, and when quarantine past, we started to look for opportunities to bring them to us, to Japan. And that is why your company was very helpful. Thank you” - Olena
There are still a lot of pets being left behind with their owners, not just because of the war. The process will be much more complicated and difficult with the language barrier and cultural differences.
Please do not hesitate to contact Burden Pet Relocation when you are having difficulties moving pets across the country. We would be happy to assist and help you make the transport of your pets to your new home possible while keeping their safety first.

